Sneak Peek Saturday: The Liar Society

The Liar Society (Liar Society, #1)
By: Lisa & Laura Roecker

Pub date: March 1st, 2011

Kate Lowry didn’t think dead best friends could send e-mails. But when she gets an e-mail from Grace, who died mysteriously a year before, she’s not so sure. When the emails continue, Kate is forced to confront her school’s resident druggie, a sketchy administrator, and even her own demons.

As Kate moves closer and closer to the truth, she teams up with a couple of knights-in-(not so)shining armor–the dangerously attractive, bad boy, Liam and her love-struck neighbor, Seth. The three uncover an ancient secret lurking in the halls of their elite private school with the power to destroy them all.

But the truth doesn’t always set you free. Sometimes it’s only the beginning.


Chapter One

Her e-mail didn't move or disappear or do any of the creepy things I'd expect an e-mail from a ghost to do. It was just there.


Sent: Tues 9/14 11:59 PM
Subject: (no subject)

I'm here…
Sort of.
Find Cameron.
He knows.
I shouldn't be writing.
Don't tell.
They'll hurt you.

The words blurred on the screen and my hands went limp. My phone clattered to the ground, the battery skidding across the hardwood floors of my bedroom.

Dead best friends didn’t send e-mails.

I shook my head fiercely in an attempt to clear my thoughts. It was the anniversary of her death and I missed Grace more than anything. Maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me. Maybe this wasn’t really happening.

I took a deep breath, grabbed my laptop, and refreshed my mail. All the air left my lungs when I saw her name on the screen again. As much as I wanted to believe that the e-mail was from Grace, my mind just couldn’t make the leap. Maybe this was some kind of joke, but that kind of cruelty didn’t seem possible. Plus, we guarded our email passwords with our lives, and there was no way anyone was capable of hacking into the school’s database...

I love it when stories start off with a bang. Talk about a gripping first line/paragraph! To read the remainder of this excerpt you can do so here. (click on "The Books" at the bottom and then you'll find the pdf on the right hand side) For more on Lisa and Laura Roecker you can visit their official website and or blog. There's also a website for The Liar Society which you can check out.

I wish you all a very happy weekend! :)


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