Old (Hardcover)
New (Paperback)

I have to say I really enjoyed the original hardcover but I much prefer the paperback. The only thing I dislike is when book covers change halfway through the series and then your books don't match. :/ That's kind of crummy. But I do think that the new cover design is quite nice and it goes perfectly with the cover for The Haunted ( August 31st, 2010)

Seems as though the new paperback version was possibly inspired by the UK cover.
I like the paperback as well. Something about the original cover makes me not want to read it...
ReplyDeleteThe colours in the paperback look really nice together and I absolutely love that necklace!
@Justine maybe the creepy girl? lol
ReplyDeleteI like the paperback cover way better!! The first cover creeps me out too much.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree that the paperback is much better. I've never been a huge fan of the original.
ReplyDeleteI prefer the paperback cover and wish I didn't already have it as a hardcover, so I could buy it. It matches the cover of "The Haunted" better. I always think of the wax museum, Madam Tussaud when I look at the original. Doesn't her skin look a little waxy? :-)
ReplyDeleteI like the paperback one better too. I have the hardcover one with the girl so it doesnt really match with Haunted (if I decide to get the second book).
ReplyDeleteHmm, I guess I like the original cover the best, but the Haunted cover is quite alright too!
ReplyDeleteI like the cover for the paperback better. While it is a bit overly dark and the necklace sort of fades into the background, I like the simple elegance of it all. The cover for the second book is gorgeous, I like the brighter deep green color and pretty perfume bottle. :D The hardcover's model is really scary looking, she looks menacing. D:
ReplyDeleteThe paperback is the best. I have the UK book, so I hope that the paperback for the UK will fitt in with the old one. :)
ReplyDeleteI like the PB too. the HC just creeps me out, that girl just looks... scarily weird? Something about it doesnt sit right with me :P the necklace is simple but still pretty :) nice post!
ReplyDeleteI really like the paperback wwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better. The hardcover just looks weird and it makes me not want to read it. The girl looks creepy and ugly and I jsut don't like it.