Waiting For You

Waiting For You
By: Susane Colasanti

Friendly and popular
Style: Cali surfer boy
Awesome at flirting
Future career: Landscape architect
Boyfriend potential: HIGH

Shy but sweet
Style: Totally geeked out
Only talks to girls when forced to
Future career: Robotics engineer
Boyfriend potential: NONE

Derek's clearly the the love Marisa's been waiting for, but there's just one problem: he has a girlfriend. Nash is clearly wrong for Marisa, but he's crushing on her. And, as if life wasn't complicated enough, Marisa's also contending with the best friend who won't stop falling for older guys, a family that's acting totally bizarre, and a secret crush on a guy whose identity is a mystery-even to her.

Sophomore year is going to be intense.

summary from book

My Rating: 3.5/5

Although I much preferred Colasanti's When It Happens, Waiting For You is a fun, past paced novel which I really enjoyed.

This particular novel revolves around Marisa, a soon to be high school Sophomore who is waiting for life to happen. She and her best friend Sterling promise that the upcoming school year will be more eventful. Getting a boyfriend is on the list, and for Marisa, so is reinvention. Marisa spent a lot of her freshman year dealing with her anxiety disorder which she now has learned to control. She wants her grade 10 year to be memorable and with a possible love triangle between Derek and Nash, cow can it not?

The truth is, I did enjoy this novel. It's not one of my favorites but still enjoyable. One of the things I have to complain about are the characters or more specifically-Nash. I like him, I do, but there's just something missing. I find that I kind of have high-ish standards when it comes to the male lead in YA "romance" novels. Is that weird? I'm always really eager to see what he's like, and with Nash, he was sweet and adorable but I felt like there wasn't much to him. Almost as if there could have been more elaboration on who he is as a person and so on.

So all in all, I think this book has a lot of redeemable qualities, and that readers will definitely be able to relate not only to Marisa, but the conflicts occurring throughout the novel. Again not a favourite, but definitely worth reading.


  1. I loved When It happens so I'm eager to get my hands on this and Take Me There.

  2. Hmmm... I have it in my TBR mountain!lol.




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