Upcoming Release: Then I Met My Sister

Then I Met My Sister
By: Justine Hurley Deriso

Pub date: April 1st, 2011

Shannon has been the backdrop of my life since the moment I was born.

Summer Stetson lives inside a shrine to her dead sister. Eclipsed by Shannon's greatness, Summer feels like she's a constant disappointment to her controlling, Type A momzilla and her all-too-quiet dad. Her best friend Gibson believes Summer's C average has more to do with rebelliousness than smarts, but she knows she can never measure up—academically or otherwise.

On her birthday, Summer receives a secret gift from her aunt: Shannon's diary. Suddenly, the one-dimensional vision of her sister becomes all too solid. Is this love-struck, mom-bashing badass the same Shannon everyone raves about? Determined to understand her troubled sister, Summer dives headfirst down a dark rabbit hole and unearths painful family secrets. Each revelation brings Summer closer to the mysterious and liberating truth about her family—and herself.

summary from goodreads.com

I'm always drawn to books surrounding loss and grief. It makes me sound kind of morbid D: usually because I can't explain why I gravitate towards these novels. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the journey that the main character inevitably goes on as they search for answers and come to a place of acceptance. I also love novels that centre on character, where elements such a growth and character relationships are the selling points.

Nonetheless, I think Then I Met My Sister sounds like a great read. The concept isn't anything that I haven't read before but I look forward to seeing how Justine Hurley Deriso addresses the subject and makes it her own. :)


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