Upcoming Release: Starstruck/Babe In Boyland

By: Cyn Balog

Pub date: July 12th, 2011

When Gwendolyn “Dough” Reilly’s boyfriend and best friend Wish moves away in seventh grade, the only consolation she can find is in her family bakery’s donuts.

Now, it’s sophomore year, and Wish is coming back. But in only three years, they’ve both changed—drastically. She’s seriously overweight, and suddenly Wish is the most popular guy in school, and girls everywhere want him. Dough has doubts that appearances don’t matter and that Wish can love her as she is, so she launches into a plan designed to keep them together.

That is, until she discovers that Wish’s gorgeous looks and charm might not be all they appear to be.

summary from goodreads.com

This one sounds great. Definitley one of the books I'm most looking forward to in 2011.

Babe In Boyland
By: Jody Gehrman

Pub date: February 17th, 2011 

When high school junior Natalie - or Dr. Aphrodite, as she calls herself when writing the relationship column for her school paper - is accused of knowing nothing about guys and giving girls bad relationship advice, she decides to investigate what guys really think and want. 

But the guys in her class won't give her straight or serious answers. The only solution? Disguising herself as a guy and spending a week at Underwood Academy, the private all-boy boarding school in town. 

There she learns a lot about guys and girls in ways she never expected - especially when she falls for her dreamy roommate, Emilio. How can she show him she likes him without blowing her cover?

summary from goodreads.com

Firstly, I am obsessed with this cover. I think it's adorable. I am also loving the concept a lot. I can see this one being hilarious.


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