
Hello and welcome to my book blog!

I started this blog in early 2009 after stumbling upon a few other Young Adult book blogs. I was so fascinated by the concept and had up until that point read so many great books in which I was dying to share and discuss with others yet had no one to do so with.

The book blogging community introduced me to multiple individuals who shared the same passion for reading that I too possess and I knew instantly that I wanted to create my own outlet for sharing my thoughts on book. 

I love and adore all book genres whether it be Adult, Children's and so on yet this blog pertains only to the discussion and reviews of Young Adult literature. It is a genre that I stumbled upon when I was a teenager and I have been obsessed with ever since, especially contemporary YA.

My name is Michelle and I am in my early twenties. I live in Canada and am currently attending university. I am majoring in English with the intention of working in publishing. Aside from loving to read I also love:

-Spending time with family and friends
-Messing around with Photoshop
-Playing piano/singing
-Feeding my Guitar Hero addiction  



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